(January 20th, 1927)
(May 16th, 1927)
Does not apply to the Belgium Congo or to the territory of Ruanda-Urundi under Belgian mandate, without prejudice to the right of ratification at a subsequent date on behalf of either or both of these territories.
(August 29th, 1924)
This ratification shall not be deemed to apply in the case of the Dominion of Canada, the Commonwealth of Australia, the Dominion of New Zealand, the Union of South Africa or the Irish Free State (or any territories under their authority) or in the case of India, and in pursuance of the power reserved in Article 9 of this Con vention, it shall not be deemed to apply in the case of any of the Colonies, Possessions or Protectorates or of the territories in respect of which His Britannic Majesty has accepted a mandate; without prejudice, however, to the right of subsequent ratification or accession on behalf of any or all of those Dominions, Colonies, Possessions, Protectorates or territories.
(April 23rd, 1925 a)
(September 22nd, 1925 a)
(April 1st, 1925)
Including the mandated territory of Western Samoa.
(April 27th, 1926)
(September 21st, 1929)
(September 20th, 1928 a)
(February 11th, 1937)
(August 28th, 1935)
Subject to the reservation contained in Article 9 of the present Convention to the effect that its provisions do not apply to the various Protectorates, Colonies, Possessions or Overseas Territories under the sovereignty or authority of the French Republic.
(December 5th, 1927)
(March 6th, 1929)
(March 21st, 1929)
(December 10th, 1934)
This ratification does not apply to the Italian colonies or possessions.
(September 30th, 1926)
(October 8th, 1934)
(February 22nd, 1928)
(February 24th, 1926)
(January 7th, 1928)
(December 23rd, 1925)
(January 15th, 1930)
(September 15th, 1927)
(October 23rd, 1926)
(January 9th, 1925)
(May 7th, 1930)
League of Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 47, p. 55.
See also note 2 under "China" and note 2 under "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland" regarding Hong Kong in the "Historical Information" section in the front matter of this volume.
In a communication received on 4 October 1974, the Government of the German Democratic Republic stated that the German Democratic Republic had declared the reapplication of the Convention as of 26 September 1958.
In this connection, the Secretary-General received, on 24 February 1976, the following communication from the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany:
With reference to the communication by the German Democratic Republic of 30 September 1974, concerning the application, as from 26 September 1958, of the Convention and Statute of 9 December 1923 on the International Régime of Railways, the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany declares that in the relation between the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic the declaration of application has no retroactive effect beyond 21 June 1973.
Subsequently, in a communication received on 17 June 1976, the Government of the German Democratic Republic declared:
"The Government of the German Democratic Republic takes the view that in accordance with the applicable rules of international law and the international practice of States the regulations on the reapplication of agreements concluded under international law are an internal affair of the successor State concerned. Accordingly, the German Democratic Republic was entitled to determine the date of reapplication of the Convention and Statute on the International Régime of Railways, December 9th, 1923 to which it established its status as a party by way of succession."
See also note 2 under "Germany" in the "Historical Information" section in the front matter of this volume.
See note 1 under “former Yugoslavia” in the “Historical Information” section in the front matter of this volume.
See note concerning signatures, ratifications, accession, etc., on behalf of China (note 1 under “China” in the “Historical Information” section in the front matter of this volume).
See note 1 under “Czech Republic” and note 1 under “Slovakia” in the “Historical Information” section in the front matter of this volume.