(July 21st, 1937)
The Belgian Government does not regard the mere fact that in Belgium the inspection of meat, while carried out by Government veterinary surgeons or by veterinary surgeons approved by the Government, is placed under the supervision of the Minister of the Interior (Inspection of Foodstuffs), as being contrary to the provisions of Article 3, paragraph 5, of the present Convention; particularly since all the requirements of the said Article are observed in Belgium.
(August 28th, 1936)
(December 24th, 1937 a)
(May 4th, 1937)
(January 3rd, 1939)
(December 23rd, 1937)
(March 19th, 1941)
(September 20th, 1937)
League of Nations, Treaty Series , vol. 186, p. 173.
See note 1 under “Czech Republic” and note 1 under “Slovakia” in the “Historical Information” section in the front matter of this volume.
The former Yugoslavia had acceeded to the Convention on 8 February 1967. See also note 1 under “Bosnia and Herzegovina”, “Croatia”, “former Yugoslavia”, “Slovenia”, “The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” and “Yugoslavia” in the “Historical Information” section in the front matter of this volume.