(April 4th, 1939)
Subject to accession later for the Colony of the Congo and the Mandated Territories.
Excluding Article 16 of the Convention.
(September 19th, 1931 a)
With reservations as regards Articles 5, 6, 7, 16 and 17, which Brazil will not adopt owing to difficulties with which it has to contend in connection with principles forming the basis of its internal legislation.
and all parts of the British Empire which are not separate members of the League of Nations . 2
(April 6th, 1934)
Burma 3
His Majesty the King does not assume any obligation in respect of the Karenni States, which are under His Majesty's suzerainty, or the population of the said States.
(November 10th, 1937)
Including the territories of Papua and Norfolk Island .
(October 7th, 1935)
In accordance with the provisions of Article 29, His Britannic Majesty does not assume any obligation in respect of the territories in India of any Prince or Chief under his suzerainty or the population of the said territories.
(February 14th, 1935)
Subject to reservation as regards Article 4.
(April 27th, 1931 a)
(April 2nd, 1937)
Including the Netherlands Indies, Surinam and Curaçao .
Excluding the provisions of Articles 8, 9 and 10 of the Convention.
(March 16th, 1931 a)
(June 15th, 1934)
(July 6th, 1933)
The Swedish Government declares that it does not accept to be bound by the provisions of the second sentence of Article 11, in the case where the wife referred to in the article, after recovering the nationality of her country of origin, fails to establish her ordinary residence in that country.
League of Nations, Treaty Series , vol. 179, p. 89.
See note 2 under “United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland” regarding Hong Kong in the “Historical Information” section in the front matter of this volume.
See note 1 under “Myanmar” in the “Historical Information” section in the front matter of this volume.
See note concerning signatures, ratifications, accessions, etc., on behalf of China (note 1 under “China” in the “Historical Information” section in the front matter of this volume).
See note 1 under “Netherlands” regarding Aruba/Netherlands Antilles in the “Historical Information” section in the front matter of this volume.
See note 1 under “former Yugoslavia” in the “Historical Information” section in the front matter of this volume.
The notification of succession contains the following reservation:
"In accordance with article 20 of the Convention, the Government of the Kingdom of Lesotho declares that the second paragraph of article 6 of the Convention shall not apply so as to give effect to a declaration of renunciation of the citizenship of Lesotho if such declaration is made during any war in which Lesotho is engaged, or if the Government of Lesotho considers such declaration otherwise not conducive to the public good."
The above reservation not having been originally formulated by the Government of the United Kingdom in respect of Basutoland, it has become effective for Lesotho on the date on which it would have done so under the provisions of article 26 of the Convention, had it been formulated upon accession, that is to say, on 2 February 1975.
The notification of succession contains the following declaration:
"In accordance with article 20 of the Convention, the Government of Malta declares that:
" (a) The second paragraph of article 6 of the Convention shall not apply in Malta so as to give immediate effect to a declaration of renunciation of citizenship of Malta, if such declaration is made during any war in which Malta may be engaged or if in the opinion of the Government of Malta such declaration is otherwise contrary to the public policy;
"(b) Article 16 of the Convention shall not apply to an illegitimate child born outside Malta."
"In accordance with article 20 of the Convention the Government of Mauritius declares that the second paragraph of article 6 of the Convention shall not apply in Mauritius so as to give effect to a declaration of renunciation of the citizenship of Mauritius, if such declaration is made during any war in which Mauritius is engaged."