(October 8th, 1921)
(November 15th, 1923)
(August 2nd, 1922)
Subject to the declaration inserted in the Procès- verbal of the meeting of April 19th, 1921, as to the British Dominions which have not been represented at the Barcelona Conference.
(August 22nd, 1923 a)
(January 28th, 1924 a)
[August 2nd, 1922]
(July 11th, 1922)
(March 19th, 1928)
(September 8th, 1924)
(November 13th, 1922)
(January 29th, 1923)
(December 31st, 1926)
(January 3rd, 1928)
(May 18th, 1928 a)
(August 5th, 1922)
(March 19th, 1930)
(September 4th, 1923)
(May 9th, 1924 a)
In so far as its provisions are not in conflict with the principles of the new Danube Statute drawn up by the International Commission which was appointed in accordance with Articles 349 of the Treaty of Versailles, 304 of the Treaty of Saint-Germain, 232 of the Treaty of Neuilly and 288 of the Treaty of Trianon.
(September 15th, 1927)
(November 29th, 1922 a)
(June 27th, 1933 a)
League of Nations, Treaty Series , vol. 7, p. 35.
The Secretary-General received, on 6 and 10 June 1999, communications concerning the status of Hong Kong from China and the United Kingdom (see also note 2 under “China” and note 2 under “United Kindom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland” regarding Hong Kong in the “Historical Information” section in the front matter of this volume). Upon resuming the exercise of sovereignty over Hong Kong, China notified the Secretary-General that the Convention will also apply to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
The notification made by the Government of China also contained the following reservation:
The Government of the People's Republic of China also declares that it has reservation to Article 22 of the [said Convention and Statute].
With effect from 26 March 1957.
See note 1 under “Czech Republic” and note 1 under “Slovakia” in the “Historical Information” section in the front matter of this volume.
See note regarding signatures, ratifications, accessions etc., on behalf of China (note 1 under “China” in the “Historical Information” section in the front matter of this volume).
In a letter addressed to the Secretary-General on 21 March 1969, the President of the Republic of Malawi, referring to the Convention and Statute on the Régime of Navigable Waterways of International Concern, done at Barcelona on 20 April 1921, stated the following:
"In my letter to you of the 24th November 1964, concerning the disposition of Malawi's inherited treaty obligations, my Goverrment declared that with respect to any multilateral treaty which was applied or extended to the former Nyasaland Protectorate, any Party to such a treaty could on the basis of reciprocity rely as against Malawi on the terms of that treaty until Malawi notified its depositary of what action it wished to take by way of confirmation of termination, confirmation of succession, or accession.
"I am to inform you as depositary of this Convention that the Government of Malawi now wishes to terminate any connection with this Convention which it might have inherited. The Government of Malawi considers that any legal relationship with the aforementioned Convention and Statute on the Régime of Navigable Waterways of International Concern, Barcelona, 1921 which might have devolved upon it by way of succession from the ratification of the United Kingdom, is terminated as of this date."