(April 6th, 1922)
(April 3rd, 1923)
(May 11th, 1922)
(September 9th, 1922)
(June 29th, 1922)
Registered No. 255. See Treaty Series , League of Nations, vol. 9. p. 211.
In a notification received on 21 July 1992, the Government of Estonia declared the following:
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Estonia [notifies] the declaration of continuity by Estonia regarding the [said] Convention."
In a notification received on 14 April 1992, the Government of Latvia declared the following:
"The Ministry of Foreign Affairs declares, in conformity with article 8 and article 10 of the Convention [. . .] that the said Convention is still binding for the Republic of Latvia and the provisions so accepted shall be observed in their entirety."