(February 10th, 1932)
Belgium cannot undertake, for the present, to apply the provisions relating to "Warning of gale expected to affect the locality" which form the first chapter of the Regulations of this Agreement.
Further, the ratification by Belgium of the provisions which are the object of Chapter II (Tide and depth signals), and Chapter III (Signals concerning the movement of vessels at the entrances of harbours or important channels), will only take effect when Germany, Denmark, France, Great Britain, the Netherlands and Norway shall have them selves notified their effective ratifications of the provi sions contained in these two chapters.
The ratification by Belgium does not apply to the Belgian Congo.
(November 21st, 1932 a)
(May 29th 1935)
(October 2nd, 1933)
(June 12th, 1936)
(July 13th, 1931)
(September 3rd, 1931)
(October 27th, 1931)
French Colonies and Mandated Territories as follows:
(October 28th, 1983 a)
(September 14th, 1932)
(September 17th, 1935 a)
(November 3rd, 1933)
(August 24th, 1931 s)
(October 23rd, 1930 s)
(June 1st, 1931 s)
(June 27th, 1936 a)
(April 27th, 1931 s)
(December 11th, 1937)
See Treaty Series of the League of Nations, vol. 125, p. 95. Ratifications and accessions subsequent to registration: vol. 138, p. 453; vol. 142, p. 379; vol. 156, p. 241; vol. 160, p. 393; vol. 164, p. 390 and vol. 181, p. 395.
See note 1 under “former Yugoslavia” in the “Historical Information” section in the front matter of this volume.