(July 2nd, 1927)
(July 14th, 1927)
(January 17th, 1929)
It being understood on behalf of the French Government, and as provided for in Article 6 of the Protocol of Signature, that in the event of a re-measurement of a vessel original ly measured by its own officials the original indelible marks, when they are not intended solely to indicate that the vessel has been measured, shall have added to them an indelible cross having arms of equal length, and that this addition shall be regarded as equivalent to the removal described in Article 10 of the Annex to the Convention; that the old measurement plates shall be marked with a cross instead of being withdrawn; and that, if new plates are affixed, the old plates shall be placed at the same level and near to the new ones. In the case provided for above, the notification provided for in the third paragraph of Article 5 and in Article 6 of the Convention shall also be addressed to the original office of inscription.
(February 6th, 1931)
(January 3rd, 1928)
(September 27th, 1932)
(June 16th, 1930)
(May 18th, 1928)
(July 11th, 1927)
(May 7th, 1930)
Under Clause IV of the Protocol of Signature.
League of Nations, Treaty Series, vol.67, p.63.
Czechoslovakia had notified its denunciation on 19 April 1974. See also note 1 under “Czech Republic” and note 1 under “Slovakia” in the “Historical Information” section in the front matter of this volume.
In a notification received on 21 February 1974, the Government of the German Democratic Republic stated that the German Democratic Republic has declared the reapplication of the Convention as of 21August 1958. See also note 2 under “Germany” in the “Historical Information” section in the front matter of this volume.
The former Yugoslavia deposited its instrument of denunciation to the Convention on 28 July 1975. In a communication received on 24 November 1975, the Government of Yugoslavia informed the Secretary-General that the denunciation should be considered, for the purpose of article 14 of the Convention of 1925, as having taken effect on 19 April 1975, the date when the Convention of 15 February 1966 on the same subject entered into force in respect of Yugoslavia. See also note 1 under “Bosnia and Herzegovina, “Croatia”, “former Yugoslavia” , “The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia”, “Slovenia” and “Yugoslavia” in the “Historical Information” section in the front matter of this volume.