(August 31st, 1929)
(May 9th, 1929)
[January 9th, 1929 a]
Does not include any of His Britannic Majesty's Colonies, Protectorates or territories under suzerainty or mandate.
[December 22nd, 1928 a]
On the understanding that no contribution to the initial fund of the Union will fall due by New Zealand before the commencement of the next financial year in that country, viz., April 1st, 1929.
[April 2nd, 1929]
(May 22nd, 1931)
(May 29th, 1935 a)
[June 18th, 1934]
(August 20th, 1931)
(July 30th, 1928)
[August 7th, 1928]
Subject to later acceptance by the Egyptian Government of the decisions of the Executive Committee fixing its contribution.
(April 10th, 1929)
(April 27th, 1932)
(July 22nd, 1929)
[January 16th, 1931]
(April 17th, 1929)
It being understood that "the most extensive immunities, facilities and exemptions" mentioned in Article 10 of the present Convention shall not include exterritoriality or the other rights and immunities enjoyed in Hungary by duly accredited diplomatic agents.
(September 28th, 1932 a)
(June 12th, 1934 a)
(August 2nd, 1928)
Applies also to the Italian Colonies.
[June 27th, 1929 a]
(May 21st, 1929)
(July 11th, 1930)
[September 11th, 1928]
(August 12th, 1929)
(May 11th, 1928 a)
(January 2nd, 1930 a)
(March 10th, 1932)
(June 19th, 1929)
[August 28th, 1931 a]
League of Nations, Treaty Series, vol.135, p.247.
See note 1 under “Myanmar” in the “Historical Information” section in the front matter of this volume.
See note concerning signatures, ratifications, accessions etc, made on behalf of China (note 1“China” in the “Historical Information” section in the front matter of this volume).
In a letter of 6 December 1968, the Executive Secretary of the International Relief Union informed the Secretary-General that the Governments of the following States had withdrawn from the said Union by notifying it directly of their withdrawal on the dates indicated:
See note 1 under “Czech Republic” and note 1 under “Slovakia” in the “Historical Information” section in the front matter of this volume.
The notice of withdrawal contains the following statement:
The Romanian People's Republic hereby gives notice of its decision [of withdrawal] and accordingly considers itself free from any obligations deriving from the Convention establishing an International Relief Union.
As regards the question of dealing with the consequences of national disasters the Government of the Romanian People's Republic will continue as heretofore to give assistance to countries which suffer such disasters in the manner it considers appropriate.
In accordance with article 19, the provisions of the Convention cease to be applicable to the territory of the withdrawing Member one year after the receipt of the notice of withdrawal by the Secretary-General