STATUS AS AT : 17-07-2024 11:17:39 EDT
2 . Vienna Convention on succession of States in respect of treaties
Vienna, 23 August 1978
Entry into force
6 November 1996, in accordance with article 49(1).
Registration :
6 November 1996, No. 33356
Status :
Signatories : 19. Parties : 23
Text :
United Nations, Treaty Series , vol. 1946, p. 3.  C.N.354.2008.TREATIES-1 of 6 May 2008 (Proposal of corrections to the original text of the Convention (Arabic version) and to the Certified True Copies) and C.N.1046.2008.TREATIES-2 of 13 January 2009 (Corrections).
Note :
The Convention was adopted on 22 August 1978 by the United Nations Conference on the Succession of States in respect of Treaties and was opened for signature at Vienna from 23 August 1978 to 28 February 1979, then at the Headquarters of the United Nations, in New York until 31 August 1979. The Conference was convened pursuant to General Assembly resolution 3496 (XXX)1 of 15 December 1975.  The Conference held two sessions, both at the Neue Hofburg in Vienna, the first session from 4 April to 6 May 1977 and the second session from 31 July to 23 August 1978.  In addition to the Convention, the Conference adopted the Final Act and certain resolutions, which are annexed to that Act.  By unanimous decisions of the Conference, the original of the Final Act was deposited in the archives of the Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Austria.
Participant 2
Signature, Succession to signature(d)
Ratification, Accession(a), Succession(d)
23 Aug 1978
Bosnia and Herzegovina 3
  22 Jul 1993 d
23 Aug 1978
 7 Feb 2019
23 Aug 1978
Côte d'Ivoire
23 Aug 1978
Croatia 3
  22 Oct 1992 d
  12 Mar 2004 a
Czech Republic 4
22 Feb 1993 d
26 Jul 1999
Democratic Republic of the Congo
23 Aug 1978
  24 Jun 1988 a
  25 Jul 2006 a
  17 Jul 1986 a
  21 Oct 1991 a
23 Aug 1978
28 May 1980
Holy See
23 Aug 1978
23 May 1979
 5 Dec 1979
  16 Sep 2005 a
23 Aug 1978
Montenegro 5
  23 Oct 2006 d
  31 Mar 1983 a
23 Aug 1978
North Macedonia 3
   7 Oct 1996 d
10 Jan 1979
31 Aug 1979
30 Aug 1978
16 Aug 1979
Republic of Moldova
   9 Feb 2009 a
23 Aug 1978
Serbia 3
  12 Mar 2001 d
  22 Feb 1980 a
Slovakia 4
28 May 1993 d
24 Apr 1995
Slovenia 3
   6 Jul 1992 d
St. Vincent and the Grenadines
  27 Apr 1999 a
23 Aug 1978
  16 Sep 1981 a
  26 Oct 1992 a
23 Aug 1978
Declarations and Reservations
(Unless otherwise indicated, the declarations and reservations were made upon
ratification, accession or succession.)
Czech Republic

Czech Republic

       Pursuant to Article 7, paragraph 2 and 3, of the Vienna Convention on Succession of States in respect of Treaties, adopted in Vienna on August 23, 1978, the Czech Republic declares that it will apply the provisions of the Convention in respect of its own succession of States which has occurred before the entry into force of the Convention in relation to any other Contracting State of State Party to the Convention accepting the declaration.
       The Czech Republic simultaneously declares its acceptance or the declaration made by the Slovak Republic at the time of its ratification of the Convention pursuant to Article 7, paragraph 2 and 3 thereof.

Iraq 6


       "Entry into the above Convention by the Republic of Iraq shall, however, in no way signify recognition of Israel or entry into any agreement therewith."

Morocco 6



       The accession of Morocco to this Convention does not mean in any way recognition of Israel by the Government of the Kingdom of Morocco and that furthermore, no treaty relations will arise between the State of Morocco and Israel.




       The Slovak Republic declares, under article 7, paragraphs 2 and 3 of [the said] Convention, that it will apply the provisions of the Convention in respect of its own succession which has occurred before the entry into force of the Convention in relation to any signatory State (paragraph 3), contracting State or State Party (paragraphs 2 and 3) which makes a declaration accepting the declaration of the successor State.

End Note
1. Official Records of the General Assembly, Twenty-ninth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/9610/Rev.1).
2.The German Democratic Republic had signed the Convention on 22 August 1979. See also note 2 under “Germany” in the “Historical Information” section in the front matter of this volume.
3.The former Yugoslavia had signed and ratified the Convention on 6 February 1979 and 28 April 1980, respectively. See also note 1 under “Bosnia and Herzegovina”, “Croatia”, ”former Yugoslavia”, “Slovenia”, “The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” and “Yugoslavia” in the “Historical Information” section in the front matter of this volume.
4.Czechoslovakia had signed the Convention on 30 August 1979. See also note 1 under “Czech Republic” and note 1 under “Slovakia” in the “Historical Information” section in the front matter of this volume.
5.See note 1 under "Montenegro" in the "Historical Information" section in the front matter of this volume.
6.The Secretary-General received on 23 June 1980 from the Government of Israel the following communication concerning this declaration:

"The Government of Israel has noted the political character of the statement made by the Government of Iraq. In the view of the Government of Israel, this Convention is not the proper place for making such political pronouncements.  Moreover, the said declar- ation cannot in any way affect whatever obligations are binding upon Iraq under general international law or under particular conventions.  Insofar as concerns the substance of the matter, the Government of Israel will adopt towards the Government of Iraq an attitude of complete reciprocity."

Subsequently, on 23 May 1983, the Secretary-General received from the Government of Israel a declaration concerning the declaration made by Morocco, identical in essence,  mutatis mutandis , as the one made regarding the declaration made by Iraq.