3United Nations Convention on Transparency in Treaty-based Investor-State ArbitrationNew York, 10 December 201418 October 2017, in accordance with article 9(1) which reads as follows: “This Convention shall enter into force six months after the date of deposit of the third instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession”.18 October 2017, No. 54749Signatories24Parties9United Nations,<i>Treaty Series</i>,vol. 3208. <a href="" target = "_ blank">Certified true copy</a>The above Convention was adopted on10 December 2014 by resolution <a href="/doc/source/docs/A_RES_69_116-E.pdf" target="_blank">69/116</a> during the sixty-ninth session of the General Assembly of the United Nations. In accordance with its article 7, the Convention shall be open for signature in Port Louis, Mauritius, on 17 March 2015, and thereafter at United Nations Headquarters in New York by any State or by any regional economic integration organization that is constituted by States and is a contracting party to an investment treaty.
ParticipantSignatureRatification, Acceptance(A), Approval(AA), Accession(a)Australia18 Jul 2017 17 Sep 2020 Belgium15 Sep 2015 Benin10 Jul 2017 19 Jul 2021 Bolivia (Plurinational State of)16 Apr 2018 13 Oct 2020 Cameroon11 May 2017 18 Jun 2018 Canada17 Mar 2015 12 Dec 2016 Congo30 Sep 2015 European Union 2 Jul 2024 Finland17 Mar 2015 France17 Mar 2015 Gabon29 Sep 2015 Gambia20 Sep 2017 28 Sep 2018 Germany17 Mar 2015 Iraq13 Feb 2017 20 Aug 2021 Italy19 May 2015 Luxembourg15 Sep 2015 Madagascar 1 Oct 2015 Mauritius17 Mar 2015 5 Jun 2015 Netherlands (Kingdom of the)18 May 2016 Sweden17 Mar 2015 Switzerland27 Mar 2015 18 Apr 2017 Syrian Arab Republic24 Mar 2015 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland17 Mar 2015 United States of America17 Mar 2015
BelgiumDeclaration upon signature:This signature also engages the Wallon Region, the Flemish Region and the Brussels-Capital Region.European UnionReservation made upon signature:“Reservation by the European Union pursuant to Article 3(l)(a) of the United Nations Convention on Transparency in Treaty-based Investor-State Arbitration (10 December 2014) (‘the Convention’)Pursuant to Article 3(l)(a) of the Convention, the European Union declares that it shall not apply the Convention when acting as a respondent in the case of a dispute under the Energy Charter Treaty initiated against a Member State of the European Union which is not a party to the Convention, unless agreed upon otherwise with the Member State of the European Union concerned.The Energy Charter Treaty is a multilateral agreement. At the date of this reservation, the Energy Charter Treaty has 56 contracting parties. This reservation shall apply in respect of all contracting parties that are parties to the Convention.”