22International Cocoa Agreement, 1980*Geneva, 19 November 1980provisionally on 1 August 1981 , in accordance with the decision taken on 30 June 1981 by the meeting of Governments convened by the Secretary-General under article 66 (3). The Agreement was extended until 30 September 1985 and 30 September 1986, respectively, and expired in accordance with its provisions on 30 September 1986.1 August 1981, No. 20313United Nations, <i>Treaty Series </i>, vol. 1245, p. 221; vol. 1276, p. 520 (procès-verbal of rectification of the original English, French and Russian texts); and United Nations, <i>Treaty Series </i>, vol. 1288, p. 437 (rectification of the authentic Russian text).