11Agreement establishing the Asian Rice Trade FundBangkok, 16 March 19731 December 1974, in accordance with article 19.1 December 1974, No. 13679Signatories5Parties5United Nations, <i>Treaty Series </i>, vol. 955, p. 195; depositary notifications C.N.26.1979.TREATIES-1 of 28 February 1979 and C.N.101.1979.TREATIES-2 of 22 May 1979 [amendments to paragraphs (i) and (iii) of article 1].The text of the Agreement was drawn up by the intergovernmental meeting on the establishment of an Asian Rice Trade Fund convened by the United Nations Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East at Bangkok, Thailand, from 12 to 16 March 1973; it was approved and initialled by the representatives of Democratic Kampuchea, the Philippines, Sri Lanka and Thailand. The signatories agreed on 29 November 1973 to extend to 31 May and 1 December 1974, respectively, the time-limits provided for by articles 17 and 19 of the Agreement for signature and deposit of instruments of acceptance. The Board of Directors of the Asian Rice Trade Fund, in a resolution adopted at Manila on 10 January 1979, proposed certain amendments to article 1 (i) and (iii) of the Agreement. In accordance with the provisions of article 13 of the Agreement the proposed amendments have come into force on 15 December 1981 upon acceptance by all members of the Fund. Following is a list of the States which have accepted the amendments and the dates of their acceptance:
22ParticipantDate of AcceptanceBangladesh14 Jun 1979India24 Jun 1980Philippines15 Dec 1981Sri Lanka1 Jun 1979
Participant<superscript>1,2</superscript>SignatureAcceptance(A), Accession(a)Bangladesh29 Jun 1973 1 Dec 1974 ACambodia18 Apr 1973 India29 Jun 1973 28 Nov 1974 APhilippines<superscript>1</superscript>19 Apr 1973 11 Mar 1975 aSri Lanka31 May 1974 29 Nov 1974 AViet Nam11 Mar 1975 a
1The States Parties unanimously decided that the instruments of acceptance by the Governments of the Philippines and of the Republic of Viet Nam, having been received after the time-limit of 1 December 1974, should be treated as instruments of accession.2The Republic of Viet Nam had signed the Agreement on 16 April 1974 and deposited an instrument of acceptance on 11 March 1975. In this regard see note 2 and note 1 under “Viet Nam” in the “Historical Information” section in the front matter of this volume.