Multimodal Transport
2European Agreement on Important International Combined Transport Lines and Related Installations (AGTC)Geneva, 1 February 199120 October 1993, in accordance with article 10(1).20 October 1993, No. 30382Signatories17Parties33United Nations, <i>Treaty Series </i>, vol. 1746, p. 3; C.N.73.1992.TREATIES-2 of 22 June 1992 (proposed corrections) and C.N.347.1992.TREATIES-7 of 30 December 1992 (rectification); C.N.345.1997.TREATIES-2 of 16 September 1997 (proposal of amendments to annexes I, II, III and IV) and C.N.91.1998.TREATIES-1 of 25 March 1998 (acceptance of amendments to annexes I, II, III and IV); C.N.230.2000.TREATIES-1 of 1 May 2000 (proposal of amendments to Annexes I and II) and C.N.983.2000.TREATIES-2 of 2 November 2000 (acceptance of amendments to annexes I and II); C.N.18.2001.TREATIES-1 of 17 January 2001 (proposal of amendments to Annexes I and II) and C.N.877.2001.TREATIES-2 of 18 September 2001 (acceptance of amendments to annexes I and II); C.N.749.2003.TREATIES-1 of 16 July 2003 (proposal of amendments to annexes I and II) and C.N.C.N.39.2004.TREATIES-1 of 19 January 2004 (acceptance); C.N.724.2004.TREATIES-1 of 6 July 2004 (proposal of amendments to annexes I and II) and C.N.6.2005.TREATIES-1 of 7 January 2005 (acceptance of amendments to annexes I and II); C.N.646.2005.TREATIES-1 of 19 August 2005 (proposal of amendments to annexes I and II) and C.N.153.2006.TREATIES-1 of 20 February 2006 (acceptance of amendments to annexes I and II); C.N.594.2008.TREATIES-3 of 21 August 2008 (proposal of amendments to annexes I and II) and C.N.76.2009.TREATIES-1 of 23 February 2009 (acceptance of amendments to annexes I and II); C.N.623.2008.TREATIES-4 of 3 September 2008 (Proposal of Amendments to Articles 14, 15 and 16 of the Agreement); C.N.544.2009.TREATIES-2 of 10 September 2009 (acceptance of amendments to Articles 14, 15 and 16 of the Agreement; C.N.270.2015.TREATIES-XI.E.2 of 5 May 2015 (Proposal of Amendments to Annex I) and C.N.599.2015.TREATIES-XI.E.2 of 13 November 2015 (Acceptance); C.N.86.2016.TREATIES-XI.E.2 of 23 March 2016 (Proposal of Amendment to Annex I) and C.N.711.2016.TREATIES-XI.E.2 of 29 September 2016 (Acceptance); C.N.99.2016.TREATIES-XI.E.2 of 23 March 2016 (Proposal of Amendments to Annex III) and C.N.712.2016.TREATIES-XI.E.2 of 29 September 2016 (Acceptance); C.N.560.2018.TREATIES-XI.E.2 of 13 November 2018 (Proposal of amendments to annexes I and II) and C.N.216.2019.TREATIES-XI.E.2 of 22 May 2019 (Acceptance of amendments); C.N.68.2020.TREATIES-XI.E.2 of 19 February 2020 (Proposal of amendments to Annexes I and II) and C.N.366.2020.TREATIES-XI.E.2 of 28 August 2020 (Acceptance of amendments); C.N.59.2021.TREATIES-XI.E.2 of 9 February 2021 (Proposal of amendments to Annexes I and II) and C.N.269.2021.TREATIES-XI.E.2 of 9 September 2021 (Acceptance of amendments to Annexes I and II); C.N.157.2022.TREATIES-XI.E.2 of 22 June 2022 (Proposal of amendments to Annexes I and II) and C.N.459.2022.TREATIES-XI.E.2 of 30 December 2022 (Acceptance of amendments); C.N.62.2023.TREATIES-XI.E.2 of 1 March 2023 (Proposals of amendments to Annexes I and II) and C.N.390.2023.TREATIES-XI.E.2 of 27 September 2023 (Acceptance of amendments to Annexes I and II); C.N.82.2024.TREATIES-XI.E.2 of 29 February 2024 (Proposal of amendments to Annexes I and II) and C.N.345.2024.TREATIES-XI.E.2 of 5 September 2024 (Acceptance of amendments to Annexes I and II).<superscript>1</superscript>The Agreement was adopted by the Inland Transport Committee of the Economic Commission for Europe at its Fifty-third session held at Geneva from 28 January to 1 February 1991. The Agreement was open for signature at the Office of the United Nations at Geneva from 1 April 1991 to 31 March 1992.
ParticipantSignature, Succession to signature(d)Approval(AA), Acceptance(A), Accession(a), Succession(d), RatificationAlbania21 May 2008 aAustria30 Oct 1991 22 Jul 1993 Belarus 5 Mar 1997 aBelgium30 Oct 1991 6 Aug 1999 Bulgaria30 Oct 1991 10 Aug 1994 Croatia24 Jul 1995 aCzech Republic<superscript>2</superscript>22 Aug 1994 AADenmark30 Oct 1991 9 Jan 1992 AFinland30 Oct 1991 France16 Apr 1991 28 May 1992 AAGeorgia30 Nov 1998 aGermany16 Apr 1991 30 Jul 1992 Greece30 Oct 1991 26 Apr 1995 Hungary30 Oct 1991 4 Feb 1994 AAItaly30 Oct 1991 12 Jan 1996 Kazakhstan11 Jul 2002 aLatvia 1 Mar 2007 aLithuania 8 Feb 2008 aLuxembourg30 Oct 1991 13 Jul 1994 Montenegro<superscript>3</superscript>23 Oct 2006 dNetherlands (Kingdom of the)<superscript>4</superscript>30 Oct 1991 13 May 1992 ANorway30 Mar 1992 30 Apr 1992 APoland27 Mar 1992 22 Mar 2002 APortugal 5 Jan 1996 aRepublic of Moldova10 Oct 2002 aRomania30 Oct 1991 21 May 1993 Russian Federation29 Jun 1994 aSerbia 6 Oct 2005 aSlovakia<superscript>2</superscript>16 Aug 1994 AASlovenia 1 Nov 1994 aSwitzerland31 Oct 1991 11 Feb 1993 Türkiye13 Jan 1992 4 Sep 1996 Turkmenistan31 Aug 2020 aUkraine23 Dec 2005 a
Declarations and Reservations(Unless otherwise indicated, the declarations and reservations were madeupon ratification, acceptance, approval or accession.)DenmarkUpon signature:“With reservation for application to the Faroe Islands and Greenland." MontenegroWith confirmation of reservation:"The provisions of article 12 in connection with article 13 of the Agreement are not binding on Serbia and Montenegro."Russian FederationReservation: The Russian Federation does not consider itself bound by the provisions of article 12 of the said Agreement. Serbia<i>Reservation:</i>"The provisions of article 12 in connection with article 13 of the Agreement are not binding on Serbia and Montenegro."UkraineReservation:"With reference to article 13 of the Agreement, Ukraine does not consider itself bound by article 12 of this Agreement."1At its twenty-fifth session held in Geneva from 2 to 4 September 1996, the Working Party on Combined Transport of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe adopted, in accordance with articles 15 and 16 of the above Agreement, amendments to annexes I, II, III and IV to the Agreement proposed by the Contracting Parties as indicated in the report of the Working Party on Combined Transport (doc. TRANS/WP.24/71 of 7 October 1996). By 16 March 1998, the proposed amendments to annexes I and II (in accordance with paragraphs 3 and 4 of article 15) and the proposed amendments to annexes III and IV (in accordance with paragraphs 4 and 5 of article 16) were considered as having been accepted as, within a period of six months following the date of their circulation (16 September 1997), no objection had been received by the Secretary-General from a Contracting Party directly concerned. In accordance with articles 15 (5) and 16 (5), the amendments entered into force for all Contracting Parties on 25 June 1998. Other amendments to the Agreement were adopted as follows: 4Object of the proposal:Proposed by:Date of circulation:Entry into force: Annexes I and IIWorking Party1 May '001 Feb '01 Annexes I and IIWorking Party17 Jan '0118 Dec '01 Annexes I and IIWorking Party16 Jul '0316 Jan '04 Annexes I and IIWorking Party6 Jul '047 Apr '05 Annexes I and IIWorking Party19 Aug '0520 May '06 Annexes I and IIWorking Party9 Feb '219 Dec '21
2Czechoslovakia had signed the Agreement on 30 October 1991 (See, <a href="https://../doc/Publication/CN/1991/CN.260.1991-Eng.pdf target="_blank">C.N.260.1991.TREATIES-4 (Depositary Notification)</a>. See also note 1 under “Czech Republic” and note 1 under “Slovakia” in the “Historical Information” section in the front matter of this volume.3See note 1 under "Montenegro" in the "Historical Information" section in the front matter of this volume.4For the Kingdom in Europe.