Water Transport
6European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Inland Waterways (ADN)Geneva, 26 May 200029 February 2008, in accordance with article 11(1).29 February 2008, No. 44730Signatories10Parties18United Nations, <i>Treaty Series </i>, vol. 2497, vol. 2498, <a href="/doc/Publication/UNTS/Volume%202499/v2499.pdf" target="_blank">vol. 2499</a> and <a href="/doc/Publication/UNTS/Volume%202500/v2500.pdf" target="_blank">vol. 2500</a>; ECE/TRANS/ADN/CONF/2000/CRP.10; C.N.785.2000.TREATIES-8 of 18 October 2000 (Proposal of corrections to the German and Russian texts) and depositary notification C.N.28.2001.TREATIES-1 of 22 January 2001 [procès-verbal of rectification to the original text of the Agreement (German and Russian authentic texts)]; C.N.615.2008.TREATIES-5 (Reissued) of 8 September 2008 (Proposal of Amendments to the Regulations annexed to the ADN) and C.N.873.2008.TREATIES-6 of 2 December 2008 (Entry into force of the Amendments); C.N.159.2009.TREATIES-2 of 12 March 2009 (Proposal of correction to the original text of the Agreement (English text) and to the certified true copies) and C.N.482.2009.TREATIES-5 of 6 August 2009 (procès-verbal of rectification to the original text of the Agreement (English authentic text)); C.N.160.2009.TREATIES-3 of 12 March 2009 (Proposal of corrections to the Regulations annexed to ADN) and C.N.481.2009.TREATIES-4 of 6 August 2009 (Acceptance of corrections); C.N.834.2009.TREATIES-7 of 19 November 2009 (Proposal of corrections to the Regulations annexed to ADN) and C.N.76.2010.TREATIES-2 of 17 February 2010 (Acceptance of proposed corrections to the Regulations annexed to ADN); C.N.404.2010.TREATIES-3 of 28 June 2010 (Proposal of corrections to the Regulations annexed to ADN) and C.N.582.2010.TREATIES-7 of 30 September 2010 (Acceptance of the proposed Corrections to the Regulations annexed to the ADN); C.N.410.2010.TREATIES-4 of 1 July 2010 (Proposal of amendments to the Regulations annexed to ADN) and C.N.629.2010.TREATIES-9 of 5 October 2010 (Entry into force of amendments to the regulations annexed to the ADN); C.N.549.2010.TREATIES-6 of 1 September 2010 (Proposal of amendments to the Regulations annexed to ADN) and C.N.853.2010.TREATIES-11 (Entry into force of amendments to the regulations annexed to the ADN); C.N.599.2010.TREATIES-6 of 28 September 2010 (Proposal of corrections to the Regulations annexed to ADN) and C.N.851.2010.TREATIES-10 of 28 December 2010 (Acceptance of Proposed Corrections to the Regulations to the ADN); C.N.327.2012.TREATIES-XI.D.6 of 1 July 2012 (proposal of amendments to the regulations annexed to the ADN) and C.N.565.2012.TREATIES-XI.D.6 of 2 October 2012 (entry into force of amendments to the regulations annexed to the ADN); C.N.464.2012.TREATIES-XI.D.6 of 1 September 2012 (proposal of amendments to the regulations annexed to the ADN) and C.N.688.2012.TREATIES-XI.D.6 of 3 December 2012 (entry into force of amendments to the regulations annexed to the ADN); C.N.562.2012.TREATIES-XI.D.6 of 1 October 2012 (proposal of corrections to the regulations annexed to the ADN) and C.N.97.2013.TREATIES-XI.D.6 of 21 January 2013 (Acceptance of proposed corrections to the regulations annexed to the ADN) ; C.N.572.2012.TREATIES-XI.D.6 of 1 October 2012 (proposal of corrections to the regulations annexed to the ADN) and C.N.99.2013.TREATIES-XI.D.6 of 21 January 2013 (Acceptance of proposed corrections to the regulations annexed to the ADN); C.N.876.2013.TREATIES-XI.D.6 of 30 October 2013 (Proposal of Corrections to the regulations annexed to the ADN) and C.N.47.2014.TREATIES-XI.D.6 of 7 February 2014 (Corrections); C.N.425.2014.TREATIES-XI.D.6 of 1 July 2014 (Proposal of amendments to the regulations annexed to the ADN) and C.N.657.2014.TREATIES-XI.D.6 of 2 October 2014 (Entry into force) and C.N.649.2014.TREATIES-XI.D.6 of 2 October 2014 (Proposal of corrections to the regulations annexed to the ADN) and CN.18.2015.TREATIES-XI.D.6 of 6 January 2015 (Corrections); C.N.529.2014.TREATIES-XI.D.6 of 1 September 2014 (Proposal of amendments to the regulations annexed to the ADN) and C.N.834.2014.TREATIES-XI.D.6 of 6 September 2016 (Entry into force); C.N.621.2014.TREATIES-XI.D.6 of 29 September 2014 (Proposal of corrections to the regulations annexed to the ADN) and CN.19.2015.TREATIES-XI.D.6 of 6 January 2015 (Corrections); C.N.444.2016.TREATIES-XI.D.6 of 1 July 2016 (Proposal of amendments to the regulations annexed to the ADN) and C.N.743.2016.TREATIES-XI.D.6 of 7 October 2016 (Entry into force); C.N.607.2016.TREATIES-XI.D.6 of 1 September 2016 (Proposal of amendments to the regulations annexed to the ADN) and C.N.897.2016.TREATIES-XI.D.6 of 6 December 2016 (Entry into force); C.N.716.2016.TREATIES-XI.D.6 of 1 October 2016 (Proposal of corrections to the regulations annexed to the ADN) and C.N.980.2016.TREATIES-XI.D.6 of 3 January 2016 (Corrections); C.N.823.2016.TREATIES-XI.D.6 of 3 November 2016 (Proposal of corrections to the regulations annexed to the ADN) and C.N.53.2017.TREATIES-XI.D.6 of 10 February 2017 (Corrections); C.N.112.2017.TREATIES-XI.D.6 of 1 March 2017 (Proposal of corrections to the regulations annexed to the ADN) and C.N.296.2017.TREATIES-XI.D.6 of 5 June 2017 (Corrections); C.N.297.2018.TREATIES-XI.D.6 of 1 July 2018 (Proposal of amendments to the regulations annexed to the ADN) and CN.489.2018.TREATIES-XI.D.6 of 15 October 2018 (Entry into force); C.N.396.2018.TREATIES-XI.D.6 of 1 September 2018 (Proposal of amendments to the regulations annexed to the ADN) and C.N.471.2018.TREATIES-XI.D.6 of 1 October 2018 (Proposal of corrections) and C.N.637.2018.TREATIES-XI.D.6 of 10 January 2019 (Corrections) and C.N.583.2018.TREATIES-XI.D.6 of 11 December 2018 (Entry into force of amendments); C.N.472.2018.TREATIES-XI.D.6 of 1 October 2018 (Proposal of corrections to the regulations annexed to the ADN) and C.N.636.2018.TREATIES-XI.D.6 of 10 January 2019 (Corrections); C.N.492.2019.TREATIES-XI.D.6 of 15 October 2019 (Proposal of corrections to the regulations annexed to the ADN) and C.N.34.2020.TREATIES-XI.D.6 of 21 January 2020 (Corrections); C.N.273.2020.TREATIES-XI.D.6 of 1 July 2020 (Proposal of amendments to the regulations annexed to the ADN) and C.N.461.2020.TREATIES-XI.D.6 of 21 October 2020 (Entry into force of amendments) and C.N.420.2020.TREATIES-XI.D.6 of 1 October 2020 (Proposal of corrections) and C.N.581.2020.TREATIES-XI.D.6 of 3 February 2021 (Corrections); C.N.309.2020.TREATIES-XI.D.6 of 16 July 2020 (Proposal of correction) and C.N.504.2020.TREATIES-XI.D.6 of 30 October 2020 (Correction); C.N.367.2020.TREATIES-XI.D.6 of 1 September 2020 (Proposal of amendments to the regulations annexed to the ADN) and C.N.546.2020.TREATIES-XI.D.6 of 8 December 2020 (Entry into force of amendments); C.N.63.2022.TREATIES-XI.D.6 of 7 March 2022 (Proposal of corrections) and CN.148.2022.TREATIES-XI.D.6 of 17 June 2022 (Corrections); C.N.158.2022.TREATIES-XI.D.6 of 1 July 2022 (Proposal of Amendments to the Regulations annexed to the ADN) and C.N.325.2022.TREATIES-XI.D.6 of 10 October 2022 (Entry into force of amendments) and CN.292.2022.TREATIES-XI.D.6 of 1 October 2022 (Proposal of corrections) and C.N.460.2022.TREATIES-XI.D.6 of 6 January 2023 (Corrections); C.N.272.2022.TREATIES-XI.D.6 of 1 September 2022 (Proposal of Amendments to the Regulations annexed to the ADN) and C.N.428.2022.TREATIES-XI.D.6 of 7 December 2022 (Entry into force of amendments); CN.293.2022.TREATIES-XI.D.6 of 1 October 2022 (Proposal of corrections to the Regulations annexed to the ADN) and C.N.461.2022.TREATIES-XI.D.6 of 6 January 2023 (Corrections); CN.452.2023.TREATIES-XI.D.6 of 23 October 2023 (Proposal of corrections to the Regulations annexed to the ADN) and C.N.48.2024.TREATIES-XI.D.6 of 26 January 2024 (Corrections); C.N.217.2024.TREATIES-XI.D.6 of 1 July 2024 (Proposal of amendments to the regulations annexed to the Agreement).The Agreement was adopted on 26 May 2000 at Geneva on the occasion of the Diplomatic Conference for the Adoption of a European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Inland Waterway (ADN) organized jointly by the Economic Commission for Europe and the Central Commission for the Navigation of the Rhine (CCNR). Accordingly, pursuant to its Article 10, the Agreement would be opened for signature in Geneva from 26 May 2000 until 31 May 2001 at the Office of the Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Europe by Member States of the Economic Commission for Europe whose territory contains inland waterways, other than those forming a coastal route, which form part of the network of inland waterways of international importance as defined in the European Agreement on Main Inland Waterways of International Importance (AGN), Geneva, 19 January 1996.
ParticipantSignatureApproval(AA), Acceptance(A), Accession(a), Ratification, Definitive signature(s)Austria 9 Nov 2004 aBelgium17 Jun 2014 aBulgaria13 Jun 2000 7 Mar 2006 Croatia14 Jun 2000 4 Mar 2009 Czech Republic26 May 2000 21 Sep 2011 France23 Oct 2000 3 Apr 2008 AAGermany26 May 2000 31 Jan 2008 Hungary 4 May 2004 aItaly26 May 2000 Luxembourg29 Jan 2001 24 May 2007 Netherlands (Kingdom of the)20 Dec 2000 30 Apr 2003 APoland25 Jun 2010 aRepublic of Moldova26 Mar 2001 19 Feb 2008 Romania 3 Dec 2008 aRussian Federation10 Oct 2002 aSerbia 6 Jan 2011 aSlovakia26 May 2000 20 Oct 2009 Switzerland 8 Feb 2011 aUkraine28 Jan 2010 a
Declarations and Reservations(Unless otherwise indicated, the declarations and reservations were madeupon definitive signature, ratififcation, acceptance, approval or accession.)AustriaDeclaration:The Agreement applies to the Danube (including the Vienna Danube channel), the March, the Enns and the Traun, as well as their arms, side-channels, ports and branches. The Agreement shall not apply to the following:1. The New Danube (bypass channel) from the inlet (km 1,938.06) to Weir II (km 1,918.30);2. Greiffenstein barrage weir: the section of the old Danube arm above the sill (km 1,948.89,right bank);3. Altenwörth barrage weir: the section of the old Danube arm above the sill (km 1,979.55, left bank);4. Melk barrage weir: the section of the left-bank old Danube arm above the sill (km 2,037.30, left bank), as well as the section of the Melk old Danube arm above the sill (km 2,035.70, right bank);5. Abwinden barrage weir: the section of the old Danube arm above the sill (km 2,120.40, left bank);6. The Enns from km 2.7;7. The Traun from km 1.8;8. The March from km 6;9. Any other waters to which reference has not been made.BelgiumDeclaration:In accordance with the revised Convention on the Navigation of the Rhine (and of article 14, paragraph 3 (b), of the Agreement ADN, the competencies of the State Parties to this Convention in respect of regulations concerning the transport of the dangerous goods on the Rhine are exercised jointly in the framework of the Central Commission for the Navigation of the Rhine. Therefore, the provisions of the Agreement ADN and its annexes as well as their amendments must be implemented in the Rhine regulations by the Central Commission in accordance with the above-mentioned Convention.The Member State of the Central Commission undertakes, in this context, to assist in taking the necessary measures for the implementation of this agreement on the Rhine.FranceDeclaration:… the French Republic, with reference to Article 14, paragraph 3, sub b, declares that the implementation of the Agreement on the Rhine and the Moselle is subject to compliance with the procedures set out in the statutes of the Central Commission for the Navigation of the Rhine.GermanyDeclaration:“With reference to Article 14, paragraph 3, sub-paragraph b, of the European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Inland Waterways (ADN), the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany declares that the implementation of the Agreement on the Rhine is subject to compliance with the procedures set out in the statutes of the Central Commission for the Navigation of the Rhine (CCR), and its implementation on the Moselle is subject to compliance with the procedures set out in the statutes of the Moselle Commission.”LuxembourgDeclaration made upon signature and confirmed upon ratification:[The] Government of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, on signing this Agreement, declares that the obligations arising therefrom in no way affect the commitments assumed by Luxembourg by virtue of its membership in the European Union.Netherlands (Kingdom of the)Declaration:"With reference to Article 14, paragraph 3, sub b, of the European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Inland Waterways, the kingdom of the Netherlands declares that the implementation of the Agreement on the Rhine, Waal and Lek is subject to compliance with the procedures set out in the statutes of the Central Commission for the Navigation of the Rhine."SwitzerlandDeclaration under article 14, paragraph 3(a) :This Agreement shall not extend to:(a) the Rhine upstream of the highway overpass in Rheinfelden;(b) lakes Constance, Léman, Majeur and Lugano.Declaration under article 14, paragraph 3(b) :The implementation of this Agreement on the Rhine downstream of the "Mittlere Rheinbrücke" in Basel is subject to compliance with the procedures set out in the statutes of the Central Commission for the Navigation of the Rhine. Accordingly, the provisions of the Agreement and its annexes as well as the ad hoc amendments must be implemented in accordance with the Revised Convention on the Navigation of the Rhine, signed in Mannheim on 17 october 1868 by the Grand Duchy of Baden, Bavaria, France, the Grand Duchy of Hesse, the Netherlands and Prussia.UkraineReservation:“… subject to the reservation that Ukraine does not consider itself bound by Article 15 of the Agreement with reference to paragraph 1 of Article 16 of the Agreement.”