Transport by Rail
7Convention on the Facilitation of Border Crossing Procedures for Passengers, Luggage and Load-luggage Carried in International Traffic by RailGeneva, 22 February 2019in accordance with article 22(1) , this Convention shall enter into force three months after the date on which five States have deposited their instruments of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession.Doc. ECE/TRANS/2019/18 and ECE/TRANS/2019/18/Corr. 1. C.N.126.2019.TREATIES-XI.C.7 of 4 April 2019 (Issuance of Certified True Copies) and C.N.127.2019.TREATIES-XI.C.7 of 4 April 2019 (Opening for signature).The Convention was adopted on 22 February 2019 at the eighty-first session of the Inland Transport Committee of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe held in Geneva from 19 to 22 February 2019. In accordance with its article 21, the Convention shall be open for signature at the United Nations Headquarters in New York by all States and regional economic integration organizations.
ParticipantSignatureRatification, Acceptance(A), Approval(AA), Accession(a)Belarus23 Sep 2022 21 Aug 2023 Chad26 Sep 2019