Transport by Rail
5Intergovernmental Agreement on the Trans-Asian Railway Network (with annexes)Jakarta, 12 April 200611 June 2009, in accordance with article 5(1).11 June 2009, No. 46171Signatories22Parties21United Nations, <i>Treaty Series</i> , vol. 2596, p. 3, Doc. E/ESCAP/TARN/rep; Depositary notification C.N.653.2006.TREATIES-2 of 22 August 2006 (Proposal of corrections to the English and Russian texts of Annex I) and C.N.797.2006.TREATIES-4 of 27 September 2006 (Corrections to the English and Russian texts of Annex I of the Agreement); C.N.752.2006.TREATIES-3 of 19 September 2006 (Proposal of corrections to the Chinese text of Annex I) and C.N.861.2006.TREATIES-6 of 23 October 2006 (Corrections to the Chinese text of Annex I); C.N.799.2006.TREATIES-4 of 29 September 2006 (Correction to the authentic Russian text of Annex I); C.N.814.2006.TREATIES-4 (Re-issued) of 11 October 2006 (Proposal of corrections by Azerbaijan and Kyrgyzstan to Annex I of the Agreement) and C.N.1051.2006.TREATIES-23 of 13 November 2006 (Corrections proposed by Azerbaijan and Kyrgyzstan to Annex I of the Agreement); C.N.834.2006.TREATIES-5 of 11 October 2006 (Proposal of corrections to the Chinese text of Article 17 of the Agreement) and C.N.1052.2006.TREATIES-23 of 13 November 2006 (Corrections proposed by Azerbaijan and Kyrgyzstan to Article 17 of the Agreement); C.N.853.2006.TREATIES-1 of 18 October 2006 (Correction to the authentic Chinese, English and Russian texts of Annex 1 of the Agreement); C.N.1021.2006.TREATIES-6 of 14 November 2006 (Correction to the authentic Chinese, English and Russian texts of Annex I); C.N.492.2011.TREATIES-2 of 25 July 2011(Proposal of amendments to Annex 1 to the Agreement) and C.N.35.2012.TREATIES-1 of 26 January 2012 (Entry into force of amendments to Annex I to the Agreement); C.N.46.2014.TREATIES-XI.C.5 of 7 February 2014 (Adoption of amendments to Annex I of the Agreement) and C.N.520.2014.TREATIES-XI.C.5 of 14 August 2014 (Entry into force); C.N.2.2016.TREATIES-XI.C.5 of 7 January 2016 (Adoption of amendments to Annexes I and II of the Agreement) and C.N.500.2016.TREATIES-XI.C.5 of 14 July 2016 (Entry into force); C.N.423.2017.TREATIES-XI.C.5 of 27 July 2017 (Adoption of amendments to Annex I of the Agreement) and C.N.68.2018.TREATIES-XI.C.5 of 5 February 2018 (Entry into force); C.N.3.2020.TREATIES-XI.C.5 of 7 January 2020 (Adoption of amendments to Annex I of the Agreement) and C.N.311.2020.TREATIES-XI.C.5 of 17 July 2020 (Entry into force); C.N.244.2021.TREATIES-XI.C.5 of 29 July 2021 (Adoption of amendments to Annex I to the Agreement) and C.N.47.2022.TREATIES-XI.C.5 of 7 February 2022 (Entry into force); C.N.516.2023.TREATIES-XI.C.5 of 21 December 2023 (Adoption of amendments to Annex I of the Agreement) and C.N.226.2024.TREATIES-XI.C.5 of 1 July 2024 (Entry into force).The above Agreement was adopted by the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific at its 62nd Session by resolution number 62/4 on the "Intergovernmental Agreement on the Trans-Asian Railway Network" held in Jakarta on 12 April 2006. It shall be open for signature by States which are members of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific at Busan, Republic of Korea, from 10 to 11 November 2006, during the Ministerial Conference on Transport, and thereafter at United Nations Headquarters in New York from 16 November to 31 December 2008.
ParticipantSignatureApproval(AA), Acceptance(A), Accession(a), RatificationArmenia10 Nov 2006 Azerbaijan10 Nov 2006 Bangladesh 9 Nov 2007 25 Aug 2010 Cambodia<superscript>1</superscript>10 Nov 2006 27 Apr 2007 AChina<superscript>2</superscript>10 Nov 2006 13 Mar 2009 AADemocratic People's Republic of Korea12 Oct 2012 aGeorgia18 Dec 2007 13 May 2009 AAIndia29 Jun 2007 13 Sep 2007 Indonesia10 Nov 2006 Iran (Islamic Republic of)10 Nov 2006 3 Nov 2009 Kazakhstan10 Nov 2006 Lao People's Democratic Republic10 Nov 2006 29 Mar 2011 Mongolia10 Nov 2006 4 Sep 2008 Myanmar15 Sep 2020 aNepal10 Nov 2006 6 Mar 2012 Pakistan28 Jan 2008 18 Nov 2009 Republic of Korea10 Nov 2006 5 Feb 2008 Russian Federation10 Nov 2006 4 Jan 2008 ASri Lanka10 Nov 2006 16 Feb 2010 Tajikistan10 Nov 2006 19 Feb 2008 AAThailand10 Nov 2006 4 Feb 2008 Türkiye10 Nov 2006 11 Jun 2019 Turkmenistan27 Nov 2016 aUzbekistan10 Nov 2006 28 Jul 2009 Viet Nam10 Nov 2006 30 Sep 2009 AA
Declarations and Reservations(Unless otherwise indicated, the declarations and reservations were made upon ratification,accession, acceptance or approval.)AzerbaijanUpon signature:Declaration :"The Republic of Azerbaijan declares that according to the Article 14 of the Intergovernmental Agreement on the Trans-Asian Railway Network, its provisions can not be implemented to the routes connecting the territories of the Republic of Azerbaijan and of the Republic of Armenia.The Republic of Azerbaijan declares that it reserves its rights to amend or revoke at any time the provisions the Paragraph 1 of the present declaration, and other Parties will be notified of any such amendments and revocation.".IndiaUpon signature:Reservation:"...subject to the declaration that the Government of the Republic of India does not consider itself bound by the provisions of Article 13 of the Agreement relating to conciliation."Iran (Islamic Republic of)Reservation:"Pursuant to Article 13, paragraph 5, of the Intergovernmental Agreement on the Trans-Asian Railway Network, the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran declares that any dispute between the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran and other States Parties relating to the interpretation or application of this Agreement shall be settled in conformity with the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran and relevant domestic rules and regulations."Republic of KoreaReservation:..., in accordance with article 10 of the Intergovernmental Agreement on the Trans-Asian Railway Network, it does not accept the provisions of the article 13 relating to conciliation procedures of the said Agreement.TürkiyeReservation:“The Government of the Republic of Turkey does not consider itself bound by the provisions of Article 13 relating to reconciliation.”1Upon signature, the Government of Cambodia made the following statement:“[With regard to the….] implementation schedule for construction and the completion of the missing section between Bat Doeung and the connecting point at Cambodia/Vietnam border, at Trapaing Sre village, 2nd December commune, Snoul district, Kratie Province…, [it is noted that the…] Trans-Asian railway transport operation is impassable, until the construction and the completion of the missing section have been done in the future.”2Upon its approval to the Agreement, the Government of China made the following declaration in respect of Hong Kong and Macao: "In accordance with the provisions of Article 153 of the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China and Article 138 of the Basic Law of the Macao Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China, the Government of the People's Republic of China decides that the Agreement shall apply to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and the Macao Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China."