Road Traffic
34Intergovernmental Agreement on the Asian Highway NetworkBangkok, 18 November 20034 July 2005, in accordance with article 6(2) see article 6 which reads as follows: "1. This Agreement shall enter into force on the ninetieth day following the date on which the Governments of at least eight (8) States have consented to be bound by the Agreement pursuant to article 5 paragraph 2. For each State which definitively signs or deposits its instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession after the date upon which the conditions for the entry into force of the Agreement have been met, the Agreement shall enter into force for that State ninety (90) days after the date of its defintive signature or of its deposit of the said instrument.".4 July 2005, No. 41607Signatories24Parties30United Nations, <i>Treaty Series</i>, vol. 2323, p. 37; Depositary notification C.N.26.2004.TREATIES-2 of 5 February 2004; C.N.78.2006.TREATIES-2 of 23 January 2006 (Proposal of corrections to the authentic english and chinese texts of annex I to the agreement); C.N.89.2006.TREATIES-3 of 2 February 2006 (Proposal of amendments to Annex I of the Agreement) and C.N.633.2006.TREATIES-7 of 3 August 2006 (Acceptance); C.N.343.2006.TREATIES-7 of 5 May 2006 (Corrections to the authentic English and Chinese texts of Annex I to the Agreement); C.N.732.2009.TREATIES-2 of 14 October 2009 (Proposal of Amendments to Annex I of the Agreement) and C.N.219.2010.TREATIES-3 of 15 April 2010 (Acceptance); C.N.200.2013.TREATIES-XI.B.34 of 1 Avril 2013 (Adoption of amendments to Annex I of the Agreement) and C.N.974.2013.TREATIES-XI.B.34 of 4 December 2013 (Entry into force of amendments to Annex I of the Agreement); C.N.44.2014.TREATIES-XI.B.34 of 4 February 2014 (Adoption of amendments to Annex I of the Agreement) and C.N.519.2014.TREATIES-XI.B.34 of 14 August 2014 (Entry into force); C.N.708.2015.TREATIES-XI.B.34 of 7 January 2016 (Adoption of amendments to Annex I of the Agreement) and C.N.499.2016.TREATIES-XI.B.34 of 14 July 2016 (Entry into force); C.N.54.2018.TREATIES-XI.B.34 of 26 January 2018 (Adoption of amendments to Annex I) and C.N.375.2018.TREATIES-XI.B.34 of 6 August 2018 (Entry into force); C.N.55.2018.TREATIES-XI.B.34 of 26 January 2018 (Adoption of amendments to Annex II) and C.N.376.2018.TREATIES-XI.B.34 of 6 August 2018 (Entry into force); C.N.538.2019.TREATIES-XI.B.34 of 4 November 2019 (Adoption of amendments to Annex I) and C.N.157.2020.Treaties-XI.B.34 of 11 May 2020 (Entry into force); C.N.243.2021.TREATIES-XI.B.34 of 29 July 2021 (Adoption of amendments to Annex I) and C.N.48.2022.TREATIES-XI.B.34 of 7 February 2022 (Entry into force); C.N.478.2023.TREATIES-XI.B.34 of 29 November 2023 (Adoption of an amendments to Annex I) and C.N.181.2024.TREATIES-XI.B.34 of 7 June 2024 (Entry into force).The Agreement was adopted by the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific at the Intergovernmental Meeting to Develop an Intergovernmental Agreement on the Asia Highway Network held in Bangkok on 17 and 18 November 2003. It shall be open for signature by States which are members of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific at Shanghai, China, from 26 to 28 April 2004 and thereafter at United Nations Headquarters in New York from 1 May 2004 to 31 December 2005.
ParticipantSignatureDefinitive signature(s), Ratification, Acceptance(A), Approval(AA), Accession(a)Afghanistan26 Apr 2004 8 Jan 2006 Armenia26 Apr 2004 6 Jun 2005 Azerbaijan28 Apr 2004 5 May 2005 Bangladesh10 Aug 2009 aBhutan26 Apr 2004 18 Aug 2005 Cambodia26 Apr 2004 5 Apr 2005 AAChina26 Apr 2004 sDemocratic People's Republic of Korea12 Oct 2012 aGeorgia26 Apr 2004 9 Dec 2005 AAIndia27 Apr 2004 16 Feb 2006 Indonesia26 Apr 2004 11 Feb 2010 Iran (Islamic Republic of)26 Apr 2004 3 Nov 2009 Japan26 Apr 2004 sKazakhstan26 Apr 2004 1 Nov 2007 AAKyrgyzstan26 Apr 2004 30 Aug 2006 Lao People's Democratic Republic26 Apr 2004 10 Apr 2008 Malaysia24 Sep 2004 Mongolia26 Apr 2004 25 Jul 2005 Myanmar26 Apr 2004 15 Sep 2004 Nepal26 Apr 2004 14 Jun 2010 Pakistan26 Apr 2004 19 Oct 2005 Philippines 2 Nov 2005 18 Dec 2007 Republic of Korea26 Apr 2004 13 Aug 2004 Russian Federation27 Apr 2004 sSri Lanka26 Apr 2004 24 Sep 2004 Tajikistan26 Apr 2004 9 Apr 2006 Thailand26 Apr 2004 13 Mar 2006 Türkiye26 Apr 2004 30 Mar 2010 Turkmenistan27 Nov 2016 aUzbekistan26 Apr 2004 sViet Nam26 Apr 2004 3 Aug 2004 AA
Reservations and declarations(Unless otherwise indicated, the reservations were madeupon definitive signature, ratification, acceptance,approval or accession.)AfghanistanUpon signature:... "with reservations related to conciliation as provided in Article 14, paragraph 5 of the Agreement".AzerbaijanDeclaration:The Republic of Azerbaijan declares that according to the Article 15 of the Intergovernmental Agreement on the Asian Highway Network, its provisions can not be implemented to the routes connecting the territories of the Republic of Azerbaijan and of the Republic of Armenia.The Republic of Azerbaijan declares that it reserves its rights to amend or revoke at any time the provisions the Paragraph 1 of the present declaration, and other Parties will be notified of any such amendments and revocation."Iran (Islamic Republic of)Reservation:"Pursuant to Article 14, paragraph 5, of the Intergovernmental Agreement on the Asian Highway Network, the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran declares that any dispute between the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran and other States Parties relating to the interpretation or application of this Agreement shall be settled in conformity with the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran and relevant domestic rules and regulations."MyanmarReservation made upon signature and confirmed upon ratification:... the Government of the Union of Myanmar makes the following reservation in relation to article 14(5) of the Agreement:"Any State may, at the time of definitive signature or of depositing its instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession, deposit a reservation stating that it does not consider itself bound by the provisions of the present article relating to conciliation. Other Parties shall not be bound by the provisions of the present article relating to conciliation with respect to any Party which has deposited such a reservation".