Road Traffic
1615United Nations Regulation No. 15. Uniform provisions concerning the approval of vehicles equipped with a positive-ignition engine or with a compression-ignition engine with regard to the emission of gaseous pollutants by the engine - method of measuring the power of positive-ignition engines - method of measuring the fuel consumption of vehicles1 August 19701 August 1970, in accordance with article 1(5).1 August 1970, No. 4789Parties: 31United Nations, <i>Treaty Series </i>, vol. 740, p. 364; vol. 955, p. 446 (amendments series 01); vol. 1037, p. 403 (amendments series 02)<superscript>2</superscript> and doc. E/ECE/324-E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.1/Add.14/Rev.3, and vol. 1078, p. 351 (revised text incorporating amendments series 01 to 04) and Corr.l (English only); vol. 1358, p. 295 and doc. E/ECE/324-E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.l/Add.l4/ Rev.3/Amend.l (supplement to amendments series 04); vol. 1515, p. 295 (procès-verbal concerning modifications): C.N.1276.2005.TREATIES-3 of 21 December 2005 and doc. TRANS/WP.29/2005/90 (modifications).<superscript>3</superscript>
Contracting Parties applying Regulation No. 15<superscript>4</superscript>Participant<superscript>1</superscript>Application of regulation, Succession(d)Albania 6 Sep 2011 Armenia 1 Mar 2018 Austria<superscript>1</superscript>[11 Oct 1979 ]Belgium<superscript>1</superscript>[12 Oct 1970 ]Bosnia and Herzegovina<superscript>5</superscript>28 Sep 1998 dCroatia<superscript>5</superscript>[17 Mar 1994 d]Denmark<superscript>1</superscript>[ 9 Dec 1983 ]Egypt 5 Dec 2012 Finland<superscript>1</superscript>[20 Jun 1977 ]France<superscript>1,6</superscript>[ 1 Aug 1970 ]Germany<superscript>1,7</superscript>[18 Jul 1972 ]Hungary<superscript>1</superscript>[19 Aug 1976 ]Italy<superscript>1</superscript>[13 Feb 1973 ]Kyrgyzstan 1 Sep 2023 Lithuania28 Jan 2002 Luxembourg<superscript>1</superscript>[ 2 Aug 1983 ]Malaysia 3 Feb 2006 Netherlands (Kingdom of the)<superscript>1</superscript>[30 Mar 1971 ]Nigeria18 Oct 2018 North Macedonia<superscript>5</superscript> 1 Apr 1998 Norway<superscript>1</superscript>[ 3 Feb 1975 ]Pakistan24 Feb 2020 Philippines 3 Nov 2022 Republic of Moldova21 Sep 2016 Romania<superscript>8</superscript>[23 Dec 1976 ]Russian Federation<superscript>1</superscript>[19 Dec 1986 ]San Marino27 Nov 2015 Serbia<superscript>5</superscript>[12 Mar 2001 d]Slovenia<superscript>1,5</superscript>[ 3 Nov 1992 d]Spain<superscript>1,6</superscript>[ 1 Aug 1970 ]Switzerland<superscript>1</superscript>[29 Jun 1973 ]Uganda23 Aug 2022 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland<superscript>1</superscript>[18 May 1972 ]
1The following states notified, pursuant to the provisions of article 1 (7) of the Agreement, their intention to cease to apply regulation No. 15, with effect from the date indicated below: 2Participant :Date of effect of the cessation of application: Austria24 May 1985 Belgium1 Oct 1989 Croatia2 Feb 2002 Czechoslovakia*31 Dec 1991 Demark1 Oct 1989 Finland1 Jan 1990 France1 Oct 1989 Germany**30 Sep 1989 Hungary21 May 1992 Italy1 Oct 1989 Luxembourg1 Jul 1990 Netherland20 June 1989 Norway1 Jan 1989 Romania7 July 1999 Russian Federation24 Aug 2001 Serbia14 May 2005 Slovenia2 Aug 1995 Spain15 Feb 1991 Switzerland***1 Oct 1982 United Kingdom1 Oct 1990
* Czechoslovakia applied Regulation No. 15 as from 14 April 1972. ** The notification of application by the Federal Republic of Germany contained the following declaration: In the European Communities, the provisions of Directive 70/220/EEC on the approximation of the law of the Member States relating to measures to be taken against air pollution by gases from positive-ignition engines of motor vehicles, as amended by Directive 83/351/EEC, were in conformity with ECE Regulation No. 15/04. As a result of Directive 88/76/EEC, however, provisions on exhaust-gas behaviour and other requirements to be met by fuels that are more stringent than those set forth in ECE Regulation 15/04 have come into effect. For reasons relating to environment policy, the Federal Republic of Germany can no longer approve motor vehicles meeting only the less stringent requirements of ECE Regulation No. 15/04 with regard to exhaust-gas behaviour. The Federal Republic of Germany intends, together with France, to submit to the United Nations the draft of a new ECE regulation that both maintains a link with ECE Regulation No. 15/04 and contains the more stringent provisions of Directive 88/76/EEC. The goal of this course of action is to ensure a gradualition. *** The notification contained the following declaration: The Federal Council [of Switzerland] expresses the hope that progress made within the framework of the Economic Commission for Europe as regards the regulation of the emission of gaseous pollutants will lead it to reapply the said Regulation No. 15 in the near future.
2The amendments (series 02) to Regulation No. 15 entered into force on 1 March 1977 (instead of 15 March 1977), in accordance with a proposal by the United Kingdom received on 22 October 1976 and circulated by the Secretary-General on 8 November 1976 (See, <a href='' target='_blank'>C.N.344.1976.TREATIES-28</a>).3For additional references to the texts of the annexed regulations and their amendments, see doc. <a href="" target = "_ blank">TRANS/WP.29/343</a> as updated annually.4For technical reasons and in order to align this chapter with all others in the publication, the date indicated is no longer the date of effect of the regulation for the Contracting Party, but the date of receipt of the notification of application by the Secretary-General.5The former Yugoslavia applied Regulation No. 15 as from 28 June 1976. See also note 1 under “Bosnia and Herzegovina”, “Croatia”, “former Yugoslavia”, “Slovenia”, “The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” and “Yugoslavia” in the “Historical Information” section in the front matter of this volume.6Contracting State having proposed the Regulation and date of entry into force of the Regulation for that State in accordance with article 1 (3).7The German Democratic Republic applied Regulation No. 15 as from 26 September 1977. With regard to the above, the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany in a communication received on 14 January 1991, informed the Secretary-General, <i>inter alia </i>, of the following: - [Regulation No. 15 which was] applied by the German Democratic Republic but not by the Federal Republic of Germany [is] not to be applied in the future... <i>[It will be recalled that the Federal Republic of Germany had notified the Secretary-General, on 18 July 1972, that it intended to apply Regulation No. 15. For its subsequent notification of cessation of application of Regulation No. 15, see note 1.] </i> The notification further states that it “. . . does not constitute a general statement of position by the Federal Republic of Germany on the question of state succession in relation to treaties.” See also note 2 “Germany” in the “Historical Information” section in the front matter of this volume.8Date of entry into force of Regulation No. 15 as indicated by the Contracting State in its notification of application: 2Participant:Date entry into force: Romania1 May 1977