20aAmendments to the Framework Agreement on Facilitation of Cross-border Paperless Trade in Asia and the PacificBangkok, 29 April 2022in accordance with article 20(5) of the Framework Agreement which reads as follows: “An amendment adopted in accordance with paragraph 4 of the present article shall enter into force for those Parties that have accepted it three (3) months after the amendment has been accepted by two thirds of the number of Parties at the time of its adoption. For any Party that accepts the amendment after its entry into force, the amendment shall enter into force three (3) months after the Party’s acceptance of the amendment”.Parties2C.N.143.2022.TREATIES-X.20 of 7 June 2022 (Amendments to the Framework Agreement)
ParticipantAcceptance(A)Republic of Korea28 Nov 2022 ATuvalu 8 Dec 2022 A