6aInternational Opium ConventionGeneva, 19 February 192525 September 1928, in accordance with article 36.25 September 1928, No. 18451League of Nations, <i>Treaty Series</i>, vol. 81, p. 319.<i>In accordance with its article 44 (1), the provisions of the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961, as amended by the Protocol amending the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961 of 8 August 1975, as between the parties thereto, terminates and replaces the provisions of the above Convention. See chapter VI.18. </i>
Ratifications or definitive accessionsArgentina<right> (Apr 18th, 1946)</right>Austria<right> (Nov 25th, 1927)</right>Belgium<right> (Aug 24th, 1927)</right>Does not apply to the Belgian Congo or to the territory of Ruanda-Urundi under Belgian mandate. <i>Belgian Congo and Mandated Territory of Ruanda-Urundi)</i> <right> (Dec 17th, 1941 a)</right>Bolivia<right> (Apr 15th, 1932 a)</right>1. Bolivia does not undertake to restrict the home cultivation or production of coca, or to prohibit the use of coca leaves by the native population.2. The exportation of coca leaves shall be subject to control by the Bolivian Government, by means of export certificates.3. The Bolivian Government designates the following as places from which coca may be exported: Villazon, Yacuiba, Antofagasta, Arica and Mollendo.Brazil<right> (Jun 10th, 1932)</right>British Empire<right> (Feb 17th, 1926)</right>His Britannic Majesty's ratification shall not be deemed to apply in the case of the Dominion of Canada or the Irish Free State and, in pursuance of the power reserved in Article 39 of the Convention, the instrument shall not be deemed to apply in the case of the Colony of the Bahamas or the State of Sarawak under His Britannic Majesty's protection.State of Sarawak<right> (Mar 11th, 1926 a)</right>Bahamas<right> (Oct 22nd, 1926 a)</right>Burma<superscript>2</superscript>Canada<right> (Jun 27th, 1928)</right>Australia<right> (Feb 17th, 1926)</right>New Zealand<right> (Feb 17th, 1926)</right>Including the mandated territory of <i>Western Samoa</i> Union of South Africa<right> (Feb 17th, 1926)</right>Ireland<right> (Sep 1st, 1931)</right>India<right> (Feb 17th, 1926)</right>Iraq<right> (Aug 8th, 1931 a)</right>Bulgaria<right> (Mar 9th, 1927)</right>Chile<right> (Apr 11th, 1933)</right>Colombia<right> (Dec 3rd, 1930 a)</right>Costa Rica<right> (Jan 8th, 1935 a)</right>Cuba<right> (Jul 6th, 1931)</right>Czechoslovakia<superscript>3</superscript><right> (Apr 11th, 1927)</right>Denmark<right> (Apr 23rd, 1930)</right>Dominican Republic<right> (Jul 19th, 1928 a)</right>Ecuador<right> (Oct 23rd, 1934 a)</right>Egypt<right> (Mar 16th, 1926 a)</right>Estonia<right> (Aug 30th, 1930 a)</right>Finland<right> (Dec 5th, 1927 a)</right>France<right> (Jul 2nd, 1927)</right>The French Government is compelled to make all reservations, as regards the Colonies, Protectorates and mandated territories under its authority, as to the possibility of regularly producing, within the strictly prescribed time-limit, the quarterly statistics provided for in paragraph 2 of Article 22.Germany<right> (Aug 15th, 1929)</right>Subject to the reservation annexed to the Procès-verbal of the plenary meeting of February 16th, 1925. (The validity of the signature and ratification of this Convention are subject to the condition that a German expert will be appointed as a member of the Central Board.)Greece<right> (Dec 10th, 1929)</right>Haiti<right> (Nov 30th, 1938 a)</right>Hungary<right> (Aug 27th, 1930)</right>Honduras<right> (Sep 21st, 1934 a)</right>Italy<right> (Dec 11th, 1929 a)</right>(for the Kingdom and Colonies)Japan<right> (Oct 10th, 1928)</right>Latvia<right> (Oct 31st, 1928)</right>Liechtenstein<superscript>4</superscript>Lithuania<right> (Feb 13th, 1931 a)</right>Luxembourg<right> (Mar 27th, 1928)</right>Monaco<right> (Feb 9th, 1927 a)</right>Netherlands<right>(Jun 4th, 1928)</right> <i>(including Netherlands Indies, Surinam and Curaçao</i> )Norway<right> (Mar 16th, 1931 a) </right>New Hebrides<right> (Dec 27th, 1927 a)</right>Paraguay<right> (Jun 25th, 1941 a)</right>Poland<right> (Jun 16th, 1927)</right>Portugal<right> (Sep 13th, 1926)</right>Romania<right> (May 18th, 1928 a)</right>Salvador<right> (Dec 2nd, 1926 a)</right>San Marino<right> (Apr 21st, 1926 a)</right>Spain<right> (Jun 22nd, 1928)</right>Includes also the <i>Spanish Colonies and the Spanish Protectorate of Morocco</i> Sudan<right>(Feb 20th, 1926)</right>Sweden<right>(Dec 6th, 1930 a)</right>Switzerland<superscript>4</superscript><right> (Apr 3rd, 1929)</right>With reference to the declaration made by the Swiss delegation at the 36th plenary meeting of the Conference concerning the forwarding of the quarterly statistics provided for in Article 22, paragraph 2.Thailand<right> (Oct 11th, 1929)</right>Turkey<right> (Apr 3rd, 1933 a)</right>Union of Soviet Socialist Republics<right>(Oct 31st, 1935 a)</right>Uruguay<right> (Sep 11th, 1930)</right>Venezuela<right> (Jun 19th, 1929 a)</right>Yugoslavia (former)<superscript>5</superscript><right>(Sep 4th, 1929)</right>
Signatures or accessions not yet perfected by ratificationAlbaniaIran <i>Ad referendum</i> and subject to the League of Nations complying with the request made by Iran in the Memorandum O.D.C.24.Nicaragua
Actions subsequent to the assumption of depositary functions by the Secretary-General of the United Nations
Participant<superscript>6</superscript>Succession(d)Bahamas13 Aug 1975 dCzech Republic<superscript>3</superscript>30 Dec 1993 dFiji 1 Nov 1971 dPapua New Guinea28 Oct 1980 dSlovakia<superscript>3</superscript>28 May 1993 dTonga 5 Sep 1973 d
1See League of Nations, <i>Treaty Series </i>, vol. 81, p. 319.2See note 1 under “Myanmar” in the “Historical Information” section in the front matter of this volume.3See note 1 under “Czech Republic” and note 1 under “Slovakia” in the “Historical Information” section in the front matter of this volume.4The Swiss Federal Political Department, by a letter dated July 15th, 1936, informed the Secretariat of the following: "Under the terms of the arrangements concluded between the Government of the Principality of Liechtenstein and the Swiss Government in 1929 and 1935, in application of the Customs Union Treaty concluded between these two countries on March 29th, 1923, the Swiss legislation on narcotic drugs, including all the measures taken by the Federal authorities to give effect to the different international Conventions on dangerous drugs, will be applicable to the territory of the Principality in the same way as to the territory of the Confederation, as long as the said Treaty remains in force. The Principality of Liechtenstein will accordingly participate, so long as the said Treaty remains in force, in the international Conventions which have been or may hereafter be concluded in the matter of narcotic drugs, it being neither necessary nor advisable for that country to accede to them separately."5See note 1 under "Bosnia and Herzegovina", "Croatia", "former Yugoslavia", "Slovenia", "The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia" and "Yugoslavia" in the "Historical Information" section in the front matter of this volume.6In a notification received on 21 February 1974, the Government of the German Democratic Republic stated that the German Democratic Republic had declared the reapplication of the Convention as from 7 April 1958. In this connection, the Secretary-General received on 16 March 1976 the following communication from the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany: With reference to the communication by the German Democratic Republic of 31 January 1974, concerning the application as from 7 April 1958, of the International Opium Convention of 19 February 1925, the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany declares that in the relations between the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic this declaration has no retroactive effect beyond 21 June 1973. Subsequently, in a communication received on 17 June 1976, the Government of the German Democratic Republic declared: "The Government of the German Democratic Republic takes the view that in accordance with the applicable rules of international law and the international practice of States the regulations on the reapplication of agreements concluded under international law are an internal affair of the successor State concerned. Accordingly, the German Democratic Republic was entitled to determine the date of reapplication of the International Opium Convention, February 19th 1925 to which it established its status as a party by way of succession." See also note 2 under “Germany” in the “Historical Information” section in the front matter of this volume.