STATUS AS AT : 27-07-2024 03:15:38 EDT
15 .a Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
New York, 13 December 2006
Entry into force
3 May 2008, in accordance with article 13(1).
Registration :
3 May 2008, No. 44910
Status :
Signatories : 94. Parties : 106
Text :
United Nations,  Treaty Series , vol. 2518, p. 283. Doc.A/61/611
Note :
The above Optional Protocol was adopted on 13 December 2006 during the sixty-first session of the General Assembly by resolution A/RES/61/106.  In accordance with its article 10, the Optional Protocol shall be open for signature by all signatory States and regional integration organizations of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities at United Nations Headquarters in New York as of 30 March 2007.
Formal confirmation(c), Accession(a), Ratification
  18 Sep 2012 a
30 Mar 2007
27 Apr 2007
11 Mar 2014
  19 May 2014 a
Antigua and Barbuda
30 Mar 2007
30 Mar 2007
 2 Sep 2008
30 Mar 2007
26 Dec 2022
  21 Aug 2009 a
30 Mar 2007
26 Sep 2008
 9 Jan 2008
28 Jan 2009
  12 May 2008 a
30 Mar 2007
 2 Jul 2009
 8 Feb 2008
 5 Jul 2012
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 1
13 Aug 2007
16 Nov 2009
Bosnia and Herzegovina
29 Jul 2009
12 Mar 2010
30 Mar 2007
 1 Aug 2008
18 Dec 2008
Burkina Faso
23 May 2007
23 Jul 2009
26 Apr 2007
22 May 2014
 1 Oct 2007
 1 Oct 2008
   3 Dec 2018 a
Central African Republic
 9 May 2007
11 Oct 2016
26 Sep 2012
30 Mar 2007
29 Jul 2008
30 Mar 2007
 2 Sep 2014
Cook Islands
   8 May 2009 a
Costa Rica
30 Mar 2007
 1 Oct 2008
Côte d'Ivoire
 7 Jun 2007
30 Mar 2007
15 Aug 2007
30 Mar 2007
27 Jun 2011
Czech Republic
30 Mar 2007
24 Aug 2021
Democratic Republic of the Congo
  30 Sep 2015 a
Denmark 2
  23 Sep 2014 a
  18 Jun 2012 a
   1 Oct 2012 a
Dominican Republic
30 Mar 2007
18 Aug 2009
30 Mar 2007
 3 Apr 2008
El Salvador
30 Mar 2007
14 Dec 2007
  30 May 2012 a
25 Sep 2007
24 Sep 2012
 2 Jun 2010
30 Mar 2007
11 May 2016
23 Sep 2008
18 Feb 2010
25 Sep 2007
26 Jun 2014
   6 Jul 2015 a
10 Jul 2009
12 Apr 2021
30 Mar 2007
24 Feb 2009
30 Mar 2007
31 Jul 2012
27 Sep 2010
31 May 2012
30 Mar 2007
 7 Apr 2009
31 Aug 2007
 8 Feb 2008
24 Sep 2013
22 Oct 2018
  23 Jul 2009 a
23 Aug 2007
16 Aug 2010
30 Mar 2007
20 Jul 2007
30 Mar 2007
30 Mar 2007
15 May 2009
30 Mar 2007
30 Mar 2007
11 Dec 2008
13 Jul 2023
22 Jan 2010
31 Aug 2010
14 Jun 2007
30 Mar 2007
30 Mar 2007
18 Aug 2010
30 Mar 2007
26 Sep 2011
25 Sep 2007
15 May 2007
 7 Apr 2008
30 Mar 2007
10 Oct 2012
   3 Apr 2012 a
25 Sep 2007
30 Mar 2007
17 Dec 2007
27 Jun 2019
27 Jun 2019
  13 May 2009 a
27 Sep 2007
 2 Nov 2009
   8 Apr 2009 a
  30 Jan 2012 a
25 Apr 2007
 4 Dec 2007
 3 Jan 2008
 7 May 2010
New Zealand 3
   4 Oct 2016 a
21 Oct 2008
 2 Feb 2010
 2 Aug 2007
24 Jun 2008
30 Mar 2007
24 Sep 2010
North Macedonia
29 Jul 2009
29 Dec 2011
  11 Jun 2013 a
30 Mar 2007
 7 Aug 2007
30 Mar 2007
 3 Sep 2008
30 Mar 2007
30 Jan 2008
30 Mar 2007
23 Sep 2009
 9 Jul 2007
Republic of Korea
  15 Dec 2022 a
Republic of Moldova
27 Sep 2018
15 Nov 2022
25 Sep 2008
  15 Dec 2008 a
San Marino
30 Mar 2007
22 Feb 2008
Sao Tome and Principe
  26 May 2021 a
Saudi Arabia
  24 Jun 2008 a
25 Apr 2007
17 Dec 2007
31 Jul 2009
30 Mar 2007
Sierra Leone
30 Mar 2007
26 Sep 2007
26 May 2010
30 Mar 2007
24 Apr 2008
Solomon Islands
24 Sep 2009
South Africa
30 Mar 2007
30 Nov 2007
South Sudan
   5 Feb 2024 a
30 Mar 2007
 3 Dec 2007
St. Lucia
  11 Jun 2020 a
St. Vincent and the Grenadines
  29 Oct 2010 a
State of Palestine
  10 Apr 2019 a
  24 Apr 2009 a
30 Mar 2007
15 Dec 2008
Syrian Arab Republic
  10 Jul 2009 a
   2 Sep 2016 a
   7 Feb 2023 a
23 Sep 2008
 1 Mar 2011
30 Mar 2007
 2 Apr 2008
28 Sep 2009
26 Mar 2015
  10 Nov 2010 a
30 Mar 2007
25 Sep 2008
24 Sep 2008
 4 Feb 2010
United Arab Emirates
12 Feb 2008
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
26 Feb 2009
 7 Aug 2009
United Republic of Tanzania
29 Sep 2008
10 Nov 2009
  28 Oct 2011 a
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
  24 Sep 2013 a
11 Apr 2007
26 Mar 2009
29 Sep 2008
  23 Sep 2013 a
Declarations and Reservations
(Unless otherwise indicated, the declarations and reservations were made
upon ratification, acceptance, approval or accession.)


Declaration made upon ratification :

       “The Declaration of the Republic of Azerbaijan contains unsubstantiated and baseless allegations against the Republic of Armenia and distorts the essence of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict which was triggered and sustained by the use of force by Azerbaijan against peaceful demands of the people of Nagorno-Karabakh for human rights and self-determination.”



       “The Republic of Azerbaijan declares that it is unable to guarantee the application of the provisions of the Protocol in the territories occupied by the Republic of Armenia until these territories are liberated from occupation.”
El Salvador 1, 4, 5

El Salvador1,4,5




       The Republic of Guinea-Bissau does not recognize the competence of the Committee under articles 6 and 7 to conduct inquiries into serious and systematic violations of the Convention (Article 8).
Syrian Arab Republic

Syrian Arab Republic


       The Government of the Syrian Arab Republic declares that it does not recognize the competence of the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (“the Committee”) provided for in articles 6 and 7 of the Optional Protocol, in accordance with Article 8 of that Protocol, which provides that each State Party may, at the time of signature or ratification of the present Protocol or accession thereto, declare that it does not recognize the competence of the Committee provided for in articles 6 and 7.
Türkiye 6



       “Turkey declares that [its] ratification of the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities neither amounts to any form of recognition of the Greek Cypriot Administration’s pretention to represent the defunct ‘Republic of Cyprus’ as party to that Protocol, nor should it imply any obligation on the part of Turkey to enter into any dealing with the so-called Republic of Cyprus within the framework of the said Protocol.”
(Unless otherwise indicated, the objections were made
upon ratification, acceptance, approval or accession.)

26 September 2008

With regard to the reservation made by El Salvador upon signature and confirmed upon ratification:

       “The Government of Austria has examined the reservation to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and Optional Protocol thereto made by the Government of El Salvador.
       According to its reservation, El Salvador envisages becoming Party to the Convention only to the extent that its provisions do not prejudice or violate the provisions of any of the precepts, principles and norms enshrined in the Constitution of the Republic of El Salvador, particularly in its enumeration of principles. In the absence of further clarification, this reservation does not clearly specify the extent of El Salvador’s derogation from the provisions of the Convention. This general and vague wording of the reservation raises doubts as to the degree of commitment assumed by El Salvador in becoming a party to the Convention and is therefore incompatible with international law.
       The Government of Austria objects to the reservation made by the Government of the Republic of El Salvador to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and Optional Protocol thereto.
       This objection, however, does not preclude the entry into force, in its entirety, of the Convention between Austria and El Salvador.”

16 March 2016

With regard to the declaration made by Turkey upon ratification:

       “The Government of Austria has examined the declaration made by the Republic of Turkey upon ratification of the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities adopted on 13 December 2006. It welcomes the ratification of the Optional Protocol by Turkey as a significant step for the promotion of the rights of persons with disabilities. However, as a member state of the European Union, Austria opposes the declaration made by the Republic of Turkey which describes another member state, the Republic of Cyprus, as a defunct entity.”

11 February 2016

With regard to the declaration made by Turkey upon ratification:

       “The Republic of Cyprus has examined the declaration deposited by the Republic of Turkey upon ratification of the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (New York, 13 December 2006) on 26 March 2015, limiting the implementation of the provisions of the Convention and the Protocol, by excluding the Republic of Cyprus from the application of the Protocol at reference by the Republic of Turkey. The content of the declaration makes it tantamount in its essence to a reservation. Such a reservation is contrary to the object and purpose of the Convention and its Protocol, as it prevents the realization of the cooperation between States Parties foreseen by the Convention and its Protocol. In addition, such a declaration / reservation also relies on the principle of reciprocity, which is incompatible with human rights’ obligations assumed through this Convention. The legal reasoning, cited above, renders Turkey’s declaration unacceptable, as the declaration under reference contravenes the letter and the spirit of the Convention and its Protocol. The Republic of Cyprus, therefore, objects to the aforesaid declaration made by the Republic of Turkey and considers the declaration null and void. This objection shall not preclude the entry into force of the Convention, in its entirety, between the Republic of Cyprus and the Republic of Turkey, without the Republic of Turkey benefiting from its declaration / reservation.”

16 March 2016

With regard to the declaration made by Turkey upon ratification:

       “… The Government of the Hellenic Republic has examined the declaration made by the Republic of Turkey upon ratification, on 26 March 2015, of the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
       The Republic of Turkey declares that its ratification of the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities should not imply any obligation on the part of Turkey to enter into any dealing with the Republic of Cyprus within the framework of the said Protocol.
       In [the] view of the Government of the Hellenic Republic, the above declaration in fact amounts to a reservation, as it purports to exclude the application of the Protocol in Turkey's relations with the Republic of Cyprus. Such a reservation is incompatible with the principle that inter-State reciprocity has no place in the context of human rights treaties, which concern the endowment of individuals with rights. It is, therefore, contrary to the object and purpose of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and its Optional Protocol.
       The Government of the Hellenic Republic recalls that, according to Article 14 paragraph 1 of the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, reservations incompatible with the object and purpose of this Protocol shall not be permitted.
       For the above reasons, the Government of the Hellenic Republic objects to the declaration made by the Republic of Turkey upon ratification of the said Protocol.
       This objection shall not preclude the entry into force of the Protocol between the Hellenic Republic and the Republic of Turkey…”
End Note
1.See Note 1 under "Bolivia (Plurinational State of)" in the “Historical Information” section.
2. Upon its accession of the Optional Protocol the Government of Denmark notified the Secretary-General that the Optional Protocol shall not apply to Greenland.
3.With a territorial exclusion. See C.N.721.2016.TREATIES-IV.15.a of 4 October 2016.
4.On 28 January 2010, the Secretary-General received from the Government of Germany the following communication relating to the declaration made by the Republic of El Salvador upon signature and confirmed upon ratification:

“The Federal Republic of Germany has carefully examined the aforementioned reservation.

The Federal Republic of Germany is of the opinion that reservations which consist in a general reference to a system of norms (like the constitution or the legal order of the reserving State) without specifying the contents thereof leave it uncertain to which extent that State accepts to be bound by the obligations under the treaty. Moreover, those norms may be subject to changes.

The reservation made by the Republic of El Salvador is therefore not sufficiently precise to make it possible to determine the restrictions that are introduced into the agreement.

The Federal Republic of Germany is therefore of the opinion that the reservation is incompatible with object and purpose of the Convention and the Protocol and would like to recall that, according to Article 46, paragraph 1 of the Convention, and Article 14, paragraph 1 of the Protocol, a reservation incompatible with the object and purpose of the Convention shall not be permitted.

The Federal Republic of Germany therefore objects to the above-mentioned reservation. This objection shall not preclude the entry into force of the Convention and the Protocol between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of El Salvador.”

5. On 18 March 2015, the Government of El Salvador informed the Secretary-General that it had decided to withdraw the following Reservation made upon signature and confirmed upon ratification:

The Government of the Republic of El Salvador signs the present Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the Optional Protocol thereto, adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 13 December 2006, to the extent that its provisions do not prejudice or violate the provisions of any of the precepts, principles and norms enshrined in the Constitution of the Republic of El Salvador, particularly in its enumeration of principles.

6.On 6 December 2016, the Secretary-General received from the Government of Portugal the following communication relating to the declaration made by the Republic of Turkey upon ratification:

“The Government of the Portuguese Republic has examined the declaration made by the Republic of Turkey upon ratification of the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities adopted on 13 December 2006.

It welcomes the ratification of the Optional Protocol by the Republic of Turkey since this is a significant step for the promotion of human rights, particularly the rights of those persons with disabilities.

Nevertheless, the Portuguese Republic, as a European Union Member State, opposes the declaration made by the Republic of Turkey since it describes another Member State, the Republic of Cyprus, as a defunct entity.”