This database provides information on the status of over 560 major multilateral instruments deposited with the Secretary-General of the United Nations (including the subsequent treaty actions, texts of reservations, declarations and objections) and reflects the latest consolidated status of these instruments, as Member States sign, ratify, accede or lodge declarations, reservations or objections. This database is updated daily and intra-daily, as required.
This database contains:
The databaseis divided into segments called "chapters", with each chapter relating to a given subject-matter. The treaties within each chapter are listed in the chronological order of their conclusion.
(a) United Nations treaties
The following information is provided for each treaty:
Participants are listed in the status tables in alphabetical order. Against each participant's name, the relevant treaty action is entered, i.e., the date of signature, the date of deposit of the instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval, accession, or succession.2 The names of participants that have withdrawn from the treaty appear between brackets, and the date of deposit of the notification of denunciation is indicated in a footnote.
Entries in status tables pertaining to actions effected by a predecessor State in respect of treaties to which the successor States have notified their succession are replaced by the names of the relevant successor States with the corresponding date of deposit of the notification of succession. A footnote indicates the date and type of action effected by the predecessor State, the corresponding indicator being inserted next to the successor States in the table as the case may be. As regards treaties in respect of which actions were effected by a predecessor State and not listed in the notifications of succession of the successor States, a footnote indicating the date and type of formality effected by the predecessor State is included in the status of the treaties concerned, the corresponding footnote indicator appearing next to the heading "Participant".
Treaties which have been terminated are denoted by an asterisk. For those treaties, the participant tables have been removed.
The texts of declarations and reservations generally appear in full immediately following the status tables. Objections, territorial applications and communications of a special nature, for example, declarations recognizing the competence of committees such as the Human Rights Committee, also appear in full. Related communications, for example, communications with regard to objections, and other information appear in footnotes.
(b) League of Nations treaties
The information provided in relation to treaties originally deposited with the Secretary-General of the League of Nations is based on the official records of the League of Nations. This accounts for the difference in format as compared with treaties deposited with the Secretary-General of the United Nations.
The list of signatures, ratifications, acceptances, approvals, accessions, and successions in respect of each of the League of Nations multilateral treaties covered by this publication is divided into two sections. The first section reflects the status as at the time of the transfer of those treaties to the custody of the United Nations, without implying a judgement by the Secretary-General of the United Nations on the current legal effect of those actions. The second section provides the status following the assumption of the depositary functions by the Secretary-General of the United Nations in relation to these treaties.
Through the exercise of the depositary functions of the Secretary-General, issues of general significance are often identified including issues of succession and territorial application. Explanatory notes addressing such issues as they pertain to individual States are presented in the "Historical Information" section.
Chapters I.1 and I.2 of the Status of Treaties database also contain information regarding changes in the official denomination of States or territories. In the case of States that are not members of the United Nations or in the case of intergovernmental organizations, such information appears in notes corresponding to the relevant actions that gave rise to the issue. Cross-references are provided as required. Progressively, all information of this nature will be moved to the "Historical Information" section.
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